Organizing committee:
- Jennifer Koch, USDA Forest Service, USA
- Richard Sniezko, USDA Forest Service, USA
- Dana Nelson, USDA Forest Service, USA
- Albert Abbott, University of Kentucky, USA
- Mark Coggeshall USDA Forest Service Northern Station, USA
- Ellen Crocker, University of Kentucky, USA
- Richard Buggs, Kew Royal Botanic Garden, Queen Mary University of London
- Arnaud Dowkiw, INRA AGPF, France
Technical committee:
- Enrico Bonello, Ohio State University, USA
- Stephen Woodward, University of Aberdeen, UK
- Acelino Couto Alfenas, Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil
- Caterina Villari, University of Georgia, USA
- Arnaud Dowkiw, INRA AGPF, France
- Veronique Jorge, NRA AGPF, France
- Rita Costa, INIAV, Oeiras, Portugal
- Jared LeBoldus, Oregon State University, USA
- Jeanne Romero-Severson, University of Notre Dame, USA
- Richard Buggs, Kew Royal Botanic Garden, Queen Mary University of London
- Bruce Moltzan, USDA Forest Service, USA
- Anna Conrad, Ohio State University, USA
- and others